History is unquestionably considered the channel of communication between people with multi-dimensional, complex, and often “conflicting” historical past. It is the product of a fundamental political, social and ideological process, through which the concepts of time are understood, as well as aspects of the “past” that are associated with both the understanding of the present and the design of the future.
This two-way relationship, of the historical past with the present, contributes to the formation of historical decisions because, in the construction of identities and the formation of the historical consciousness of individuals, it significantly defines a nation’s narratives, historical education, and historical culture of a society.
In addition to this, the factors that shape the culture and the historical consciousness of teachers are of high value as they are the mediators of historical school knowledge. They are the ones who are going to pass on the light of knowledge to the students and guide them into shaping both their individual and collective identity.
Historical knowledge, historical culture, and cultural heritage can lead to the formation of historical-critical thinking and the manifestation of historical consciousness in the life of society with various forms and processes.
The i-school project can undoubtedly be described as a source of historical information, and a useful tool for teachers, students, and parents. This project will provide our educational systems with the relevant tools needed to revolutionise the sector of European cultural heritage.
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