i-School is on – Cultural Heritage in schools!

Our Erasmus+ (KA2) Project is approved!

The duration of the i-School project is 30 months. The project started on 12-2021 and will come to an end on 06-2024.

i-School was inspired by identifying a need; that of integrating European cultural heritage in the educational process, and through that, the lessons that it has to offer to both students and teachers. If we consider that knowledge of past culture and ways hides lessons of importance for today’s societies, then it is a subject worth teaching to young ages. As of that, we are standing in front of a beautiful educational transformation: collaborations between schools and cultural institutions/centers, engaging digital tools and methods which will lead to a combination of traditional teaching methods with innovative practices, and upskilling of educators.

The project aims to build on educators’ competences on integrating cultural heritage matters in the educational procedure, as well as engage students on the subject, by developing courses and innovative digital tools. A network between schools, cultural institutions, and the partnership will be created along the project, towards that cause.

The project is addressed to:

  • Primary and secondary school teachers
  • Primary and secondary school students (10-15 years old)
  • Primary and Secondary Schools (private and public)
  • Creative and cultural institutions (e.g., museums, galleries, archaeological sites, monuments, national parks, etc.)
  • Ministry officials (Ministries of Education, Pedagogical Institutes, etc.)
  • Trainers and other professional educators
  • Youth NGOs and youth workers working in the field of culture and cultural education
  • Any other kind of institutions/actors in the field of cultural heritage


The project results are:

  • Online Course for Primary and Secondary School Teachers
  • Cultural Heritage Toolkit
  • E-Learning Platform
  • Digital Game “H-Guardians”

Stay tuned for more info and news!